Monday, 25 March 2013

The Capital!

Hey! How is everything going?

Had a great first few days in Ottawa! Ottawa is cool! And ya I met Ben, Sister McAteer's brother.  He is the second counselor in the ward! And Kyle is awesome! He is feeding us tomorrow! YSA is pretty fun although we just met the members yesterday. Before that we were just under the radar searching for people to teach! We found a few, but it is pretty tough. Church was great too, really uplifting talks, maybe because they were in English and I could understand everything. Can't say the same for my companion though, his native language is French and Creole... he is from Guadeloupe in the West Indies!!! How cool is that! We are having a blast, although pretty exhausted from all the knocking...but one door we knocked on, there was a man who was so happy we knocked!  He wants to know everything he can about the gospel and is so grateful we found him! 

Ottawa has lots of cool buildings, can't wait to check out Parliament Hill! I do like it, it feels more like home than Montreal :P I miss the Chinese branch but we have Chinese members in the Ward! They are so cool! I'm lucky to still be able to practice my Chinese! :)  

We live with Elder Williams (yay!) and Elder Gamez, they are so fun, and really good examples to us.   They have been helping us adjust to the new area. Not easy going from scratch but I really feel like I'm working.

Cool to hear about Lew! (I just updated him on Lew's piano skills!)  He is already better than me at piano! And cool that they say hi, I say hi back to Ania and Sedg. (A friend at UBC msg'd Jenna to pass on a 'hello' to Taylor as she came across some missionaries on campus that were handing out copies of The Book of Mormon and made her think of him!  Mr. Sedgwick passed on a 'howdy' to T. as well...he teaches Jenna Social AP and Lewis next year--he had Taylor for a couple years before he graduated).  That would be cool to knock into Murray (Dennis has a cousin that lives in Ottawa with his family).  I know in Montreal some missionaries knocked into the uncle of a former missionary here. Small world eh?

I hope all is well for everyone in the Mac!

All is well in the Capital. Lots of Love!

Elder Heinzlmeir

Monday, 18 March 2013

Big Change!!!


Thanks for the quote, really cool! (I send him quotes in the week when I think he'll enjoy them.)

This week has been quite eventful, full of miracles and opposition. 

Well BIG NEWS! I'm being transferred!!!! .... To Ottawa! I am going to open an area, Elders in the YSA ward, that currently has Sisters. And oh ya, I'm training a new missionary! Crazy!

I'm pretty excited to see Ottawa, and I don't think I'll miss Montreal too much, cause I know I'll be back to the Branch. Apparently there are some members in YSA from China, so that will be cool! I'll get you my address next week. Oh and I'll be rooming with Elder Williams again!

Short and sweet...he had more 'family' stuff in this week's which shaver head I need to get him to replace his worn-out one.  And a request for my cookies and brownies.  ;o)

Well I love you!

Love Elder Heinzlmeir!

Monday, 11 March 2013

Just another week.


Looks like Reggie and I match now.(Reggie got a gash on his right eyebrow...Taylor had one on his left when he was younger.  Matching scars, different eyebrows). Hope he heals soon! 

This last week has just flown by. We have transfer calls again this Saturday because there are so many missionaries coming we needed to do a 3 week transfer. 

This week has been cool because we have been able to meet with all of our key investigators. They really are looking for something in their lives.  

Love Elder Heinzlmeir

Short and sweet this week.  I've been able to email back and forth with him for the past couple of weeks.  It feels like a conversation and I get answers to my questions.  Awesome.

China Town bakery.  Yum.

St. Joseph's Cathedral

Tuesday, 5 March 2013



Well this week was cool! Transfers happened, still with Elder Shaver in Chinese West! We did get a new roommate though, Elder Williams went to Ottawa and Elder McCook came to Ville-Marie! Elder McCook is awesome! He is from Arizona, we are great friends already! He is also a great missionary!

That was probably the most eventful thing this week. We did help a members Aunt move a stove yesterday, then they fed us! We have been fed a lot this week actually, now that I think about it. Tuesday was Elder Shaver's Birthday! Everyone wanted to feed us! And we took him out for dinner Saturday for his Birthday. 

The miracle this week is definitely Bao long. As usual, getting on the Metro, scanning for a nice person to talk to. There was a guy sitting next to me. I talked to him, and he stayed on 3 extra stops to keep talking to me! Then Friday, he invited us to his house for lunch! Super nice guy, can't wait for what happens next!

Hope all is well in Africa! Love you lots!

Elder Heinzlmeir

Now, as I said, I think this is a case of "when in Rome..." and not Taylor switching alliances. lol